Habit of Obedience
Artist: Congress MusicFactory
Produced By: Congress MusicFactory
Album: Hear Our Prayer – Alignment
When you get habits you need to keep them and we have a habit of obeying God, we are going just do this forever. Long after we get to heaven, long after into the future we just keep doing it because it works. We keep obeying God forever. We’ll never stop. Never stop. Because it makes us beautiful and wonderful, it makes us see God. We just obey Him and do His will forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. And I think it’s a beautiful thing when human beings touch everlastingness. And you can touch that right in your own life right now. Everybody touch everlastingness in your own life right now. Just touch obeying God forever and ever and ever and ever. We will never stop; never stop obeying Him forever. He is a wonderful, wonderful God and we need to get out of this mess of mortality and put our eyes upon Him forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever.