Led by The Spirit

Artist: Congress MusicFactory
Produced By: Congress MusicFactory
Album: Hear Our Prayer – Courage

Verse 19 of Chapter 3 in Habakkuk, the Lord God is my strength. He is my source of courage. My invincible army. He has made my feet steady and sure like the feet of a deer. He makes me walk forward with spiritual confidence on my high places of challenge and responsibility. Doesn’t that apply to us today? The Lord God is my strength and He is my source of courage – to walk forward with spiritual confidence on my high places of challenge and responsibility. This is what we are doing. The rhythm of life has changed. The rhythm has changed. Everything is broken up. The routine has been shattered. It’s an opportunity for discovery of new things, new ways, new love, new prayer, new thought, new relationships, new understanding of God. It’s an opportunity. The foolish race around the earth screaming in pain and crying in perplexity. The wise sit in stillness and gaze towards God. Remembering all the things that we have heard, remembering the path by which we have come, the mountains we have climbed, the rivers we have crossed, lead by the Spirit of God right to this awesome day.