Give Us Endurance

Artist: Congress MusicFactory
Produced By: Congress MusicFactory
Album: Hear Our Prayer – Endurance

God is elevating us, changing us transforming us, telling us how to be, we have to endure. The word endure means to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding though it is difficult. I am not saying it is easy, I am not saying that looking upon the stress of the world is easy. It is difficult. We know this but we can endure. We can endure because we have a God who endures. The Bible talks a lot about God enduring. Psalms 136 is a great Psalm, it says it over and over and over, God endures in His love for us. The love of God for us, endures forever.  It wouldn’t flex, it will not change, it will not lessen, it will not become unusable.

The thing that is coming from God towards us is absolutely stable and it will endure and we offer back unto Him a life full of endurance. Endurance, that’s not just bowing down under heavy weight.  That the ability to patiently outlast and to wait upon the Lord. You know the Bible says His throne endures, His kingdom endures, His dominion endures, His name endures, His Word endures. Romans 15:5 says may the God who gives endurance and encouragement, he says, May God give you the same attitude of mind towards each other that Christ Jesus had, the God who gives endurance and encouragement.

Let’s reach out and grab hold of that right now. Let’s reach out and grab hold of that. I want the same attitude of mind that Christ has, there must be no difference in the attitude of mind within my mortal life here upon the earth. Me, this ordinary person and the same attitude of mind that Christ has. So, may God who gives endurance and encouragement give us the same attitude of mind.

So, Father we receive endurance and encouragement from You. Look down upon the faith of the saints. Look down upon their individual journeys, look down upon their hearts and give us peace. We lift up our hearts unto You, we exalt You, we magnify You, we lift You up and worship You. Amen.