That I Might Know You

Artist: Congress MusicFactory
Produced By: Congress MusicFactory
Album: Hear Our Prayer – Endurance

The wisdom and the genius of God is beyond compare. Amen. And if you are wise, you will discount your own thoughts and your own opinions and only have a thought when He thinks it through your life. Ideally, the thoughts you have should be the thoughts of God flowing through your life for everything. For mundane things, for seemingly spiritual things and part of being human is that continuous training, that continuous cry unto God – ‘Let me have our mind!’ Give me the mind of Christ. Flow through me. I discount my own thoughts. I discount my own opinions. I discount my own preferences. Flow though me. Give me your compassion. Give me the relevant things. I mean Jesus must have had a thought when He walked out to the Pool of Bethesda and left everybody to die, healed one man. His natural self might have been saying look at the suffering of these people. The thought of God came and said, I’ll take care them. Your mission here is over. Walk away. You think of the configuration of internal capacity it took for him to… loaded with all that power, all of that ultimate strength to focus upon one person and then walk away. Amen. That refinement. That elegance of connection to the heart and mind of God is something that every enlightened human should seek. Every mature believer must be a searcher, must be seeking out God for spiritual capacity and functionality in all things like a normal flow. You have a normal supernatural flow. Let’s pray that prayer we pray. Father, give unto us the spirit of wisdom, revelation in the knowledge of You that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened. Cause me to see. Cause me to see. Cause me to perceive. Cause me to know. Cause me to connect. Open my ears that I may hear. Open my heart that I might reflexively know. Illuminate me. Enlighten me. Shine within me. Send Your holy power down into my innermost being. For my spirit is Your candle searching the innermost parts of the belly. So shine upon me God. Pour out upon me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You that I might know You. That I might grasp hold of You. That I might capture You within my days of mortality. That I might perceive You, comprehend You even while I walk in death. Let that  be the victory of my life in the name of Jesus. Amen.