Walk Us Through

Artist: Congress MusicFactory
Produced By: Congress MusicFactory
Album: Hear Our Prayer – Endurance

Only the Grace knows the way through the shatteredness. Only the Grace knows the way through the unseen and unknown advances of the enemy against you. Only the Grace knows the way. Even when things seem dark the Grace has a way out of it. The grace has a way, a path, a way back to God out of every circumstance and situation. And if you are sitting today in a tough situation, a rough situation and things seemed to have crashed around you I want you to now lift up your eyes. Don’t get depressed. Lift up your eyes and now shout back unto God – “Only the Grace knows the way!” And sometimes God will walk you through the backside of the mountain or walk you through the fire in the valley but that’s His pathway. Just like He walked the children of Israel through the belly of the Red Sea to take them to full deliverance and full freedom. Sometimes God may walk us through what appears to be very negative circumstances but let’s look for that honey that comes out of the carcass. Let’s look for the blessing of God. Let’s look for the voice of God that is echoing with full power in the midst clouds of darkness that seem to be circulating around you. Because this close to the end of time, this close to the eternal future, we lift our eyes, we lift our voice, we lift our hearts. We are strong. We are determined. We shall not relent. We shall not look backward. We shout into the light. We shout against the darkness and we say the God we serve knows the way. The God we serve has the power to guide us through anything and to bring us unto His predetermined destination.