We Will Not Forget
Artist: Congress MusicFactory
Produced By: Congress MusicFactory
Album: Hear Our Prayer – Endurance
You all lift your hands and tell God, you will not forget. Don’t forget this. Don’t forget when God came formed you and found you and saved you and touched you and lifted you up forgave your sins, cleansed you from your righteousness, took away your folly, embedded you with wisdom, taught you things you never knew. Don’t forget when you were lonely He gave you friends and embedded you in the midst of pastoral company. How He loved you and cared for you and saved you and strengthened. We will not forget. The things that God does are embedded into our hearts and minds forever, forever, forever. We sing forever, I will worship You forever. We will exalt You. We will never forget. Never forget as long as You exist, as long as we know You. We continue to uphold and uplift that You are our creator, our God whom we are well pleased. We [are] pleased with You. He said He was pleased with Christ, we [are] pleased with Him. O God, we are pleased with You. We are content in You. We are satisfied to be in Your presence. We, we love You. We, we, we are happy. We are joyful to be in Your presence. In the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy and at Your right hand there are pleasures forever, ever, forever, forever, forevermore. At Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.