A Cry For Sight
Artist: Congress MusicFactory
Produced By: Congress MusicFactory
Album: Hear Our Prayer – Intimacy
So Father, Paul prayed in Ephesus, years and years, and years ago, the great apostolic center of Ephesus, this is how he prayed, that You Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, give unto us, give unto us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You that the eyes of our understanding may be given light, may be opened.
So Father open the eyes of our understanding in this season, as we march forward, gazing forward, as we step forward into the future looking and gazing and understanding and crying for sight. As we step into a new time of sacredness, and a time of love, a time of relationships, a time of purity, a time of joy, a time of oneness, a time when we leave behind the toxins of self-life, a time of glorious death, and embracing of the nature of Christ, a time of sight, a time of awareness of a realm that’s coming down towards us, a day of the kingdom of heaven falling into our households and marriages and individual hearts and into the midst of our churches. We thank You for these precious things. Thank You God.