Look into the Heart of Me
Artist: Congress MusicFactory
Produced By: Congress MusicFactory
Album: Hear Our Prayer – Salvation
The salvation You have given us Lord we are thankful. Look down into my heart, look down into the inside of me. Only you can see the springs of my heart the fountainhead of what I am only You can scrutinize and scan the fountainhead of my very existence so look down now on the inside of me. Deeper than my personal knowledge, deeper than what I know, look down into the heart of me for You hold my heart inside of Your hands. I gave my life to You. I made a decision. I received You. Let Your Holy Spirit much more intensely in these last days flow inside of my life, in my heart, revealing to me everything that You need transformed and changed as I walk with You towards the end of time. We lift to our hearts to You today. We receive You in our midst, honour You, we exalt You, we magnify You, we lift You up and we worship You. You alone are worthy to receive our praise. Amen.