Thank You for Jesus
Artist: Congress MusicFactory
Produced By: Congress MusicFactory
Album: Hear Our Prayer – Salvation
Father we thank you for our salvation. For this Hero. This Hero who went to the cross, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross. He knew that we were buried under a mass of darkness and blindness, and He sent His word faithfully. He knew we’d come to light. He knew we’d walk in the earth as a new humanity. He knew we’d discover our civilization of who we really are.
That we live in the earth, we live in our skin, we live in our human construct, but we are not of this realm. We are of God. We come from God. He is our Father. We are His children. We are of His society. The Upper Realm is our home; and we are on a long beautiful, wonderful journey. Jesus says ‘I am the door, no man comes to Father but by Me. I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. Nobody can come back to the Father except through Me. I am the door of the sheep.” He is our doorway, back into the beauty of life that God ordained for us.
Father, thank You that we are the objects of Your mercy. Objects of Your mercy. Your mercy, because as long as I live here, I need the mercy of God. Look down upon me favorably. Gaze upon me with love and with care.
Gaze upon me with uplift, and ascend me; lift me up, cause me to be better, I need mercy from You. I’m the object of Your mercy, but I’m here to demonstrate and to prove Your glory; Your doxa. Your beautiful light that you are. Help my life to display the beautiful light of God. The shine of God. The gleam, the Glory of God. Let my life in earth demonstrate the glory of God and so Father we thank You for salvation as we as we march towards You, day by day by day by day. Hallelujah. Thank You Lord. Amen.